
There are three options available when booking Oasis Springs; 1: You can book the entire property, 2: You can book the main house and 3: You can book the casita. Select the options below to view the amenities for each option.

Entire House Amenities


2 Washers & 2 Dryers


TV, Arcades, Air Hockey, Shuffleboard, Foosball

Heating and cooling

Air conditioning with controls in each room
Indoor fireplace

Home safety

Carbon monoxide alarms
Fire extinguishers

Internet and office


Kitchen and dining

2 Full kitchens

Outdoor (Private)

Fire pit
Outdoor dining area
BBQ grill
Pool/Hot tub

Outdoor (Community)

2 Pickleball Courts
Hot tub
Lap Pool 
Splash pad
Workout gym

Parking and facilities

Free parking on premises for approximately 10-12 vehicles. 

Main House Amenities


1 Washer & 1 Dryer


TV, Arcades, Air Hockey, Shuffleboard, Foosball

Heating and cooling

Air conditioning with controls in each room
Indoor fireplace

Home safety

Carbon monoxide alarms
Fire extinguishers

Internet and office


Kitchen and dining

1 Full kitchen with seating for approximately 23
Outdoor dining table  with seating for approximately 6


Fire pit
Outdoor dining area
BBQ grill
Pool/Hot tub (Small private pool that may be heated as hot tub or used as a pool)

Parking and facilities

Free parking on premises for approximately 8 vehicles. 

Casita Amenities


1 Washer & 1 Dryer


Arcade game in bunk room

Heating and cooling

Air conditioning with controls in each room

Home safety

Carbon monoxide alarms
Fire extinguishers

Internet and office


Kitchen and dining

1 Full kitchen with seating for approximately 10

Outdoor (Community)

2 Pickleball Courts
Hot tub
Lap Pool 
Splash pad
Workout gym

Parking and facilities

Free parking on premises for approximately 4 vehicles.